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Division 15 is pleased to announce its two newest Fellows: Julianne C. Turner (Associate Professor at Notre Dame) and Frank Worrell (Professor at Berkeley).

Dr. Turner was put forward for this honor by Division 15 due to her innovative use of multiple methodologies and her ability to ground her work in classroom practice.  Thus, she has significantly impacted both psychological theory and educational practice.

Dr. Worrell is also currently a Fellow of Divisions 5, 16, 45, and 52. His prodigious research portfolio has relevance to Division 15 based on examinations of psychosocial factors related to academic success and failure in several groups, including at-risk youth, youth in other cultural contexts, and gifted and talented youth.  One subset of this body of work has applied findings to educational practice, changing how professionals in education and psychology work with children and adolescents in a variety of educational contexts.

About Fellow Status

In order to attain initial Fellow Status in APA, a candidate must submit a CV, self-statement, and endorsements from 3 current Fellows (2 must be Division 15 members).  The Fellows Committee members independently review all of the materials submitted.  At this point, committee members have the opportunity, via email to the committee co-chairs, to raise any questions or concerns about a particular candidate’s eligibility, credentials, or accomplishments.  Finally, each committee member must submit a final vote for each candidate via email to the committee co-chairs, who subsequently compile, record, and report results to the full committee.

For those who are already a Fellow in other Divisions, a letter of application is sufficient.  After each committee member independently reviews the applicant’s letter, a majority vote of approval by the Division Committee is sufficient for designation as a Fellow.  Information on the candidate and the vote is submitted to the Members’ Office (Sonja B. Wiggins).

For initial Fellows, if the Committee votes in the majority to forward the name, the Division Committee Chair then writes a letter summarizing the Candidate’s case.  The letter and application materials are forwarded to the APA Fellows Committee, which also reviews materials and makes a recommendation to the APA Council.  The final step is a vote of approval by Council.