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New Podcast Episode

Dr. Ji Hong, Dr. Dionne Cross Francis, and Dr. Paul A. Schutz

sit down with host Dr. Jeff Greene to discuss their Educational Psychologist article, “Reconceptualizing teacher identity development.”

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Enrollment & Renewal

Division 15 membership starts at just $15/year for students ($35/year for professional affiliates), and your first year is completely free as a first-time member! Additionally, APA Central membership is NOT required for enrollment. Learn more here.


Division 15 is home to a field-leading journal, Educational Psychologist, as well as our long-celebrated Newsletter for Educational Psychologists and newer One Tip releases. We also have an established book series, Classroom Insights, and a running Psychology Today blog.

Annual Events

Division 15 boasts a large and diversified presence at the Annual APA Convention each year, as well as routine contributions to AERA’s Annual Meeting. We also hold online webinars each year, which are completely free for members.

Job Board

Division 15’s job board,, routinely ranks among top results for relevant job searches in Google. This website is a service to the field and is completely free for both job posters and job seekers alike. Contact Wade George to with a Word or Pages version of your call to see it posted!

The Weekly Digest

Division 15 curates trending education headlines, new ed psych job postings, and industry announcements for a once-per-week mailing titled “The Weekly Ed Psych Digest.” We encourage you to sign up to receive this mailing via the form below on this page!

Grants & Awards

We work hard each year to select (and promote) strong research and career contributions from scholars of all career levels. Selected recipients of our Pintrich, Snow, and Career Achievement awards also present the following year in featured sessions at the APA Convention. Learn more about our awards here.

Committee Roster

Division 15 is powered by its volunteers, who span 18 different committees and come from institutions around the world. Find a complete list of our volunteers and committee structures on this year’s roster, here.

Mission Statement

The purposes of this organization shall be to expand psychological knowledge and theory relevant to education, to extend the application of psychological knowledge and services to all aspects of education, to develop professional opportunities in educational psychology, to further the development of psychological theory through the study of educational processes, and to promote cooperation and joint action with others having similar or related purposes.

Our Most Recent Webinar:

Our President

Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby, PhD is the Robert H. Naslund Chair in Curriculum and Teaching and Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education. Her research interests include the impact of race and racial identity development on the educational experiences of African Americans, emotions and coping related to racism, Critical Race Theory, and mixed methods research. DeCuir-Gunby is an American Psychological Association Fellow of Division 15 and a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association. She serves on the editorial boards for Contemporary Educational Psychology and Educational Psychologist.

Learn more here.

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