Division 15 & The 2014 APA Convention
(Find more photos from the convention here.)
Recorded Speeches
Dr. Bernard Weiner Delivers Division 15's Invited Address (APA 2014)
View Dr. Weiner’s corresponding slides here.
Dr. Kate Niehaus Delivers Pintrich Award Speech (APA 2014)
Find a PDF of presentation slides here.
Dr. Judith Meece Delivers the 2014 Presidential Address
Find a PDF of Dr. Meece’s presentation slides here.
Award Recipients

Award Recipients
(From left to right)
Dr. Sandra Graham, our 50th Thorndike Award Recipient
Dr. Kou Murayama, our Richard E. Snow Award Recipient
Dr. Kate Niehaus, our Paul R. Pintrich Award Recipient
Special Thanks
Program Co-Chairs, DeLeon Gray and Cary Roseth
Division 15 Past President, Terri Thorkildsen
Division 15 President, Karen Harris
2014 Social Media Team: Helenrose Fives, Erin Ramirez, Daisy Camacho, and Michele Gill
Convention Staff and Support Team