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Board of Professional Affairs seeks comments on Proposed Revision of the APA Record Keeping Guidelines

The Board of Professional Affairs (BPA) and Committee on Professional Practice and Standards (COPPS) seek member and public comments on the Proposed Revision of the APA Record Keeping Guidelines (APA, 2007).  These guidelines were approved by APA Council of Representatives and adopted as APA policy in February 2007.  These guidelines were written and designed to educate psychologists and provide a framework for making decisions regarding professional record keeping.

A revision has been undertaken to keep the Guidelines consistent with current practices and health system needs as well as to reflect changes in the current legal and regulatory environments and to account for recent efforts in electronic record keeping.  As such, BPA and COPPS seek comment on the current guidelines document, especially on the importance, relevance, and adequacy of the current guidelines, and areas for potential development or clarification.  Comments regarding the applicability of these guidelines across practice areas and settings are particularly desired.

For further information and to provide your comments, link to

The deadline for submitting comments is June 30, 2015.  Please review the Comment Form Instructions and Original Guidelines Document before offering your comments.  This material is provided in PDF format and may be found on the left sidebar of the electronic comment form.

Thank you for your kind efforts to provide feedback and comments on this document. Very much appreciated.

(Note: The document has been made available to APA membership, divisions, and state, provincial and territorial psychological associations for comment.)