Dr. Dale Schunk, 2024 Recipient
The Career Achievement Award for Distinguished Psychological Contributions to Education is among the most prestigious award given to living educational psychologists for their substantial, achievements and contributions to the field. The award’s winners are recognized for research in the best tradition of educational psychology, meaning that the award is conferred for original, scientific research that contributes significantly to knowledge, theory, or practice in educational psychology.
Call for Nominations (Due January 31, 2025)
Division 15 seeks nominations (including self-nominations) for its illustrious Career Achievement Award. This award is the highest honor given by Division 15 and is awarded to scholars with substantial contributions to research in educational psychology.
Nominations should state the name of the nominee and should include a letter of nomination (up to 2 pages of text) describing why the nominee deserves consideration for the award, together with the nominee’s current CV. The letter should also include how the nominee has acknowledged the essential role of participants and communities in their scholarship and/or how they have replenished participants and communities that have supported their scholarship.
Finally, nominating letters should also include the statement “I know of no conduct by the nominee that does not meet the standards set forth in the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.”
Award Chair: Clark Chinn, [email protected]