Join APA Division 15
We couldn’t be happier that you’re considering membership with Division 15 of the American Psychological Association! We look forward to serving you, your career, and the future of educational psychology in the years to come.
First Year Members
Your first year, on us!
Perfect for graduate students
Standard Membership
For APA members
Professional Affiliates
No APA membership required
What You Get With Your Membership
We’re always trying to improve the way we serve this field. Benefits of membership include:
Our Publications
Enjoy complimentary subscription to our journal, Educational Psychologist. You’ll also receive Newsletter for Educational Psychologists, and The Weekly Newsletter.
Division 15 Webinars
Division 15 hosts two free online events each year. These webinars feature timely topics and leading scholars from the field of educational psychology.
Grants & Awards
We offer a robust suite of grants and awards for educational psychologists of all career levels and interests. Additionally, APA members can apply for Division 15 Fellow status.
The Division 15 Job Board
Our proprietary job board features recent openings for educational psychologists, as shared by institutions around the country. It’s always free for members to share job posts and access the job board.
Networking Opportunities
Division 15’s social media platforms harbor nearly 9,000 total connections. Additionally, our LISTSERV and Weekly Digest routinely share important updates from the field, as well as current Division 15 opportunities.
The Annual Convention
The Annual APA Convention is one of the world’s preeminent events for educational psychology research. Members are encouraged to submit papers, posters, symposia, and collaborative proposals.

Looking to Renew?
Due to high end-of-year membership activity, we recommend submitting your renewal as soon as possible to ensure first-of-year benefits. APA members may renew their Division 15 membership with their annual statement; Professional Affiliates may renew via the button below!
Is APA Membership Required for Division 15 Membership?
No! Non-APA members are encourage to join Division 15 via our “Professional Affiliate” membership, which runs just $35/year. This option includes all benefits of full membership, with the exception of voting, eligibility for fellow status, and eligibility to serve in an elected office.
How long will it take to process my membership application?
Typically, memberships are processed within a week. However, during busier periods, some applications may take 2-3 weeks to renew.
How will I receive my copies of Educational Psychologist?
Your membership entitles you digital access to the current calendar year’s Educational Psychologist releases. Instructions for access will be sent to your registered email address. Full members, students, and professional affiliates will also receive paper versions of the journal by mail.
Will I be billed automatically for next year?
No. Renewal for the following year opens immediately following the annual APA Convention, and continues through the end of the year. We recommend early renewal to prevent a lapse in benefits.