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Special Editor

Jen Katz-Buonincontro, PhD, MFA
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America

Editors in Chief

Professor Kerry Chamberlain, MA
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Em. Professor Elizabeth G. Creamer, EdD
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States of America

Professor W. Holmes Finch, PhD
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, United States of America


Creativity and innovation research has increased considerably over the past years in education and in a variety of fields (Long, Kerr, Emler, & Birdnow, 2022). The most understood, defining feature of creativity is a new, original, or novel idea, activity or product but creativity can also include some aspect of relevance, utility, or technical quality (Runco & Jaeger, 2012), as well as other potentially perceptible benefits (such as wellbeing (Fiori, Fischer, & Barabasch, 2022)). As creativity science has expanded, mixed methods research has, too (Onwuegbuzie, Mallette & Mallette, 2021).  The nomenclature describing mixed methods designs and forms of validity as well as the development of publishing conventions (e.g. the mixed methods journal article reporting standards (Levitt, Bamberg, Creswell, Frost, Josselson, & Suarez-Orozco, 2018)) have supported the development of the field. Mixed methods research refers to studies that purposefully design, combine, and integrate at least one qualitative and quantitative research method into a comprehensive research project that incorporates multiple ways of making sense of the social world (Greene, 2007). However, few studies use mixed methods to examine issues of creative and artistic processes and phenomena. Therefore, this special issue seeks to explore the power of mixed methods to unearth insight into creativity and innovation processes and outcomes that single-method studies may not sufficiently represent or capture.

Manuscript submission fees are waived for special issue submissions. Grounding thought questions for this special issue are:

How do mixed methods research designs address issues unique to the study of creativity, innovation, and the arts?

What are the affordances and drawbacks of using both qualitative and quantitative data to examine these areas?

What issues heretofore have not adequately been considered in the study of creativity that can be investigated through specialized mixed methods designs?

For this special issue, MIP seeks empirical and conceptual manuscripts that examine topics like:

  • The application of mixed methods to research on creative thinking and problem-solving processes, outcomes, performance, and behavior in a variety of domain-relevant tasks and activities in diverse fields (e.g. education, health, medicine, psychology, business and entrepreneurship, arts, economics, engineering, technology, geography, etc.).
  • The development of mixed methods frameworks to capture multi-modal creative expression.
  • The application of a clear mixed methods design, e.g. arts-based, experimental, or quasi-experimental designs, sequential, concurrent, data transformant (applying both qualitative and quantitative analyses to one data set), grounded theory, case study or social network analysis (SNA) mixed methods designs to creative processes and outcomes.
  • Innovations in machine learning and the automated scoring and text mining of creativity assessments incorporated into mixed methods studies.
  • Addressing cultural perspectives through mixed methods, such as adapting creativity assessments as well as creativity in place-based cultures, geographies, and nationalities.


Greene, J. C. (2007). Mixed methods in social inquiry. Jossey-Bass.

Fiori, M., Fischer, S., & Barbasch, A. (2022). Creativity is associated with higher well-being and more positive COVID-19 experience. Personality and Individual Differences, 194 (111646) 1-4,

Levitt, H. M., Bamberg, M., Creswell, J. W., Frost, D. M., Josselson, R., & Suárez-Orozco, C. (2018). Journal article reporting standards for qualitative primary, qualitative meta-analytic, and mixed methods research in psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board task force report. American Psychologist, 73(1), 26–46.

Long, H., Keer, B. A., Emler, T. E., & Birdnow, M. (2022). A critical review of assessments of creativity in education. Review of Research in Education, 46(1), 288-323. DOI: 10.3102/0091732X221084326

Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J., Mallette, Marla H., & Mallette, Kasey M. (2022). A 41-year history of mixed methods research in education: A mixed methods bibliometric study of published works from 1980 to 2021. Journal of Mixed Method Studies, Issue 6, 7-56. [Online] DOI: 10.59455/jomes.2022.6.2

Runco, M. A., & Jaeger, G. J. (2012). The standard definition of creativity. Creativity Research

Journal, 24,92–96.

Overview of MIP Journal:

Example journal article:

Extended Abstract Guidelines

Prospective authors can submit a proposal that includes an extended abstract of 750 words describing:

  1. Theory and gaps in relevant literature including single-method designs on the topic under investigation
  2. Problem
  3. Research questions and/or research hypotheses for each qualitative and quantitative strand, including a mixed methods research question
  4. Type of mixed methods design
    • Clear description of both the qualitative and quantitative and/or arts-based methods used in the umbrella mixed methods design
  5. Results or Preliminary Results
    • Notation on the innovation of the mixed methods design in comparison to existing mixed methods designs
  6. Integration, Joint Display, & Meta-inferences
  7. Conclusions, Discussion, and Implications
    • Reflection on how the use of mixed methods contributes to creativity or innovation in research design
    • Recommendations regarding the adaption of the specific mixed method design to other areas in psychology


Inquiries are welcome, please contact the special editor [email protected]. The special issue will be published in MIP and accepted papers will be exempt from publishing fees.

  • Call for Proposals May-August 2024
  • Due to the timeline, study/analysis should be complete or close to completion.

Please contact the special issue editor with any questions.

  • Submission of Extended Abstracts-September 01, 2024
  • Submit Extended Abstract of 750 words to Special Issue Editor Jen Katz-Buonincontro [email protected]
  • Notification of Proposal Acceptance–October 2024

Editorial acceptance of a proposal does not guarantee the acceptance of a peer reviewed manuscript.

  • Manuscripts Due–February 2025

Submit to

  • Review Process-May 2025
  • All authors will be asked to review and provide quality feedback on an anonymized manuscript of their peers to be included in the special issue.
  • Editors will send decisions and feedback to lead authors.
  • Manuscripts may be decisioned as Accept (Submit Final Draft), Accept Pending Minor Revisions, or Revise and Resubmit, and will have a due date reflecting these statuses.
  • Manuscripts may be decisioned Reject, even if the proposal was invited for manuscript submission, based on anonymized peer review feedback.
  • Final Manuscripts Due–September 01, 2025

Submit to: “VSI: Creativity and Innovation”