Call for Submissions 2015
Research in Medical Education (RIME) Research and Review Papers
The RIME Program Planning Committee announces the 2015 Call for Submissions of research and review papers. The RIME Committee is charged with designing components of the AAMC Medical Education meeting that focus on medical education research.
The AAMC Medical Education meeting will be held on November 11th and 12th, 2015 just after Learn Serve Lead, the AAMC Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD.
All accepted research and review papers will be published in a Supplement of Academic Medicine. Therefore, all submissions are required to comply with Academic Medicine‘s formatting and ethical requirements, although the RIME Committee has revised the length requirement. Authors should aim for an article length that will present their message as succinctly and clearly as possible. Most articles for the journal are between 1,500 and 3,000 words long; however, the Committee will consider longer papers for 2015 (please see the 2015 RIME Submission Instructions for more information about length requirements).
RIME papers fall into 2 categories: Research and Review papers.
1 Research Papers must describe completed medical education research.
2 Review Papers synthesize existing research and usually provide direction for future research and practice.
Authors should refer to the 2015 RIME Submission Instructions while preparing their manuscript for submission.
Authors will be asked to suggest potential reviewers for their papers. In providing suggestions, please be sure that the reviewers are from a different institution than all of the authors and that no one who is an author has a significant relationship with anyone who is suggested as a reviewer.
Requirements for Accepted Papers
▪At least one author of all accepted papers must register and attend the 2015 AAMC Medical Education Meeting in Baltimore, MD.
▪Research and review papers must comply with Academic Medicine‘s formatting and ethical requirements. For studies or evaluations involving human participants (including students, residents, and/or faculty), it is the author’s responsibility to provide details of ethical approval for the research in the manuscript (in the Method section), including but not limited to the name of the approving committee (e.g., Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Board) and the name of the institution at which approval was granted. (Please note that at many U.S. institutions, a decision of “exempt” must be made by an Institutional Review Board or an individual designated by the institution, but may not be made by the investigator.) These details must be provided in manuscript, or the manuscript will not be reviewed.
Supplement of Academic Medicine
After much deliberation regarding the options for manuscript publication, the RIME Program Planning Committee has determined that RIME papers will be published in a Supplement of Academic Medicine. In making the decision to move to a Supplement, the Committee has identified several benefits to the medical education community, including:
▪Increasing the total number of medical education research articles published in the journal each year;
▪Continuing the longstanding tradition of RIME Committee autonomy with respect to the content of the program and the timeline for submissions; and
▪Providing access to all RIME articles in the Supplement on the web and on Academic Medicine‘s mobile app free of charge. Consistent with recent research on the positive effects of open access publishing, the Committee expects that free access to RIME papers may actually increase future citation rates. It is worth noting, however, that the RIME Committee recently conducted an analysis of citation statistics and found that, historically, citation rates for Supplement papers are not statistically significantly different than citation rates for regular issue papers.
Considering the benefits described above, the RIME Committee has determined that returning to a Supplement format is ideal for 2015.
New Investigator Award – To encourage submissions of research and review papers from individuals who have no prior involvement with RIME activities, a New Investigator Award will be selected each year. To qualify for consideration for the New Investigator Award, the first author must not have been the first author of a previous RIME paper. If an author wishes to have a research and/or review paper considered for this award, he/she must check the New Investigator box on the Research and/or Review Submission Form.
Outstanding Paper Award – An award for the best research or review paper will also be selected from among all of the accepted papers.
Submission Deadline
The deadline for RIME Research and Review Papers is March 2, 2015 at 11:59 PM PT. The submission system will be available to accept submissions on February 1, 2015. Check here for updates and submission instructions.
Contact for Inquiries
For questions about a RIME submission, please email Nesha Brown at [email protected].