We’d like to notify you of two exciting Division 15 award opportunities with deadlines in the next month:
The Paul R. Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award
Nominate or Apply By December 31, 2015
The Paul R. Pintrich Division 15 Dissertation Award is given to an individual who finishes his/her doctoral dissertation within the previous two calendar years from when the award will be announced. The dissertation must be in the area of educational psychology, broadly defined, and the proposed recipient must be a member or affiliate of the Division at the time of the award consideration. The award consists of a plaque, a check for $500, and a program time slot for an invited address at the annual meeting. The recipient gives his/her address and receives the plaque and check at the APA conference in the year following the announcement, thus allowing a full year for the preparation of the invited address.
The award’s call and past recipients may be found here. Should you have questions, please contact Co-Chairs April Taylor ([email protected]) and David Wakefield ([email protected]).
The Richard E. Snow Award for Early Contributions
Nominate or Apply By January 8, 2016
The Richard E. Snow Award is given to an individual who has made what the committee judges consider to be a significant career contribution and completed his/her doctoral dissertation within the previous 10 calendar years. Specifically, a viable candidate would be no more than 10 calendar years past the date of completing his/her doctoral dissertation at the time of receiving the award. All nominees must fulfill this criterion to be considered, and also must be a member or affiliate of the Division at the time of the award consideration.
The award’s call and past recipients may be found here. Should you have questions, please contact Andrew Elliot, Chair ([email protected]).