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Scope of the Call: This special issue seeks to engender new understanding of educational phenomena by bringing together empirical examples of research grounded conceptually, methodologically, and analytically in Complex Dynamic Systems (CDS) and related approaches such as Relational Developmental Systems or Non-Linear Dynamics that share assumptions of complexity.  Broadly defined, a complex system may be characterized by networks of micro variables that interact in dynamic, non-linear ways to yield emergent macro level properties (Jacobson, et al., 2016). CDS concepts have surfaced in educational research to address the multiply influenced, contextually bound, and process-driven nature of many emerging educational theories (Jacobson et al., 2016; Kaplan, et al., 2012; Koopmans & Stamovlasis, 2016; Turner & Op’ Eynde, 2006). Although empirical studies are often framed by systems concepts, the approach is not typically reflected in design, method, or analytic techniques in education research.

This special issue seeks to provide education scholars with insight into the application and execution of CDS approaches to research in education. Accepted manuscripts will serve as noteworthy examples of one or more of the following: a) how complex systems approaches complement existing theory and method to increase the relevance of education research and shed new light on education phenomena and practice b) how theory, method, and analyses align within complex systems approaches to educational research c) what conceptual and methodological approaches to complex systems research are most effective for addressing different types of educational research questions or d) what new insights empirical complex systems research can provide stakeholders that can improve theory and practice. The issue will highlight research that intersects multiple levels, dimensions, and/or foci and incorporates constructs or variables typically or atypically associated with educational research.

Content Criteria for Submission: The Journal of Experimental Education invites empirical manuscripts that address one or more of the journal emphasis areas of learning, instruction and cognition; motivation and social processes; and measurement, statistics, and research design. Manuscripts should draw conceptually and analytically upon systems concepts. The focus on CDS includes a plurality of methods (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed) which may be applied to substantive issues in educational research. The goal of the special issue is not to feature a single approach, but to consider the ways complex educational systems may be investigated. Due to the methodological emphasis of the special issue, authors may also submit manuscripts which focus on methodological advances or challenges. Research that meets the criteria for submission does not need to be widespread, so submissions based on a detailed report of case studies, simulations, or illustrations will be considered provided a strong rationale for a fit with the special issue. Systems concepts of interest include but are not limited to:

  • self-organization
  • emergence
  • equifinality/ multifinality
  • causality
  • dynamics
  • networks
  • nested contexts

Excellent submissions will maintain substantive sophistication and theoretical grounding of the topic with a clear alignment among the framework, method, analysis, and results from a CDS perspective.

Timeline and Submission/Review Process:

January 15, 2017 – Authors should submit a one-page summary that provides a brief description of the topic and how the intended submission applies a complex systems approach within one or more of the three main emphasis areas of JXE: Learning, Instruction, and Cognition; Motivation and Social Processes; or Measurement, Statistics, and Research Design. Summaries and questions should be submitted via email to Gwen Marchand at [email protected]. The guest editors will respond to all summary submissions. Authors of selected summaries will be invited to submit complete manuscripts for a double-blind peer-review.

September 15, 2017 – Complete original manuscripts will be due to be submitted on the Journal’s online submission system. Authors should comply with all submission criteria. In the cover letter, authors should include a statement that the manuscript is intended for submission to the special issue and to which section of the journal (Learning, Instruction, and Cognition; Motivation and Social Processes; and Measurement, Statistics, and Research Design) their work best applies.

December 15, 2017 – The editors will provide authors feedback and decisions regarding the acceptance, request for revision, or the rejection of their manuscripts. Authors asked to revise their manuscript would be required to provide a revision within 90 days for inclusion in the special issue.

Manuscripts are expected to be published online during 2018 and the print special issue is expected to be published early in 2019.

Editorial information

  • Guest Editor: Gwen C. Marchand, University of Nevada ([email protected])
  • Guest Editor: Jonathan C. Hilpert, Georgia Southern University