What makes U.S. science great? Surely the strong commitment of federal resources and budgets has made a big contribution. But the careful, creative and independent management of the enterprise by U.S. science agencies plays a big role as well.
The American Psychological Association (APA) and our scientific partner organizations want members of Congress to know that scientists in the U.S. support the strong peer review systems that ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent on high-quality research. That’s why we are asking you to sign the petition in support of good science stewardship.
The scientific advocacy societies that make up the Coalition to Promote Research and its partners will ensure that members of Congress know there is grassroots support for good scientific stewardship and peer review. If peer review systems should be attacked, or if government oversight should cross the line to micromanagement, the petition will be very helpful in advocacy for more effective science management.
We encourage you to read the petition, sign it, and share it with colleagues in other societies and departments. If you use Twitter, please share the petition link with the hashtag #Sign4Science. Thank you for your support of the U.S. science enterprise!
Please contact Pat Kobor with any questions about the petition.