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CYF Call for Nominations (2018-2020)

The Committee on Children, Youth, and Families (CYF) is anticipating two vacancies in 2018. CYF welcomes nominations from individuals interested in issues advancing psychology as a science and profession in the area of promoting the health and human welfare of children, youth and families.  The Committee is interested in candidates with substantial expertise and demonstrated experience in applying psychological knowledge to the well-being and optimal development of children, youth, and families. Candidates are sought who have particular expertise in contemporary issues facing children, youth, and families in the context of their socio-emotional and cognitive development and mental health. Additionally, candidates who have particular expertise in culturally and linguistically diverse, understudied, underserved and diverse populations are especially encouraged to apply. The Committee also strongly encourages candidates with expertise in partnering with community, professional, government, or other types of organizations to apply.

What Members Do

Members are expected to participate in targeted committee projects directly related to CYF’s work and mission and to APA as a whole. The current theme of Committee projects is “systems affecting families.” This focus includes consideration of multi-cultural concerns and approaches, and attention to the parent-child dyad/family as the unit of analysis and focus of services or programs. Recent projects include the translation of science related to mental health disparities experienced by children and youth of color into practitioner and policy resources. Candidates are encouraged to visit the CYF website ( to learn more about CYF’s mission.

The Committee places a priority on maintaining representation within the Committee’s membership that reflects the diversity of psychology and society (e.g., ethnicity, culture, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, geographic location, early career and those who are employed less than full time). The candidates selected to serve on the Committee will serve for three years and will be required to attend one or two Committee meetings a year in Washington, DC, with expenses reimbursed by APA, and to participate in monthly or bi-monthly video conference meetings. The Committee will meet March 2325, 2018in accordance with the consolidated governance meeting schedule. The 2019 and 2020 meeting dates are not yet available, but will be shared with Committee members as soon as possible. Attendance at all in-person and video conference meetings is mandatory and is a condition of Committee membership.  The successful candidate is also expected to attend, if possible, the informal CYF meeting held during the APA convention at the member’s own expense. In addition, members are expected to work on projects and Committee business between meetings.

How to Apply

Each candidate must submit:

  1. a letter indicating his/her willingness to serve;
  2. a brief statement describing the applicant’s expertise and interest in one or two contemporary issues facing children, adolescents and families that they would bring to the Committee;
  3. two letters supporting their nomination; and
  4. a current curriculum vita.

Nomination materials including a letter from the candidate indicating a willingness to serve, an issues statement, two letters supporting their nomination, and a current CV must be received by August 31, 2017.Nomination materials received after August 31 will be held for consideration the following year. Materials should be sent by email to Amani Chatman, [email protected].