The American Psychological Association (APA) Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training in Psychology II (CEMRRAT2) Task Force is pleased to announce its Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the 2017 APA CEMRRAT2 Task Force Implementation Grants Fund (IGF) for Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training in Psychology. As in previous years, the APA’s Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs (OEMA), housed within the Directorate, is tasked with the management and implementation of this and other Task Force related projects/activities. The five goals of APA’s CEMRRAT Plan are: (a) promote and improve multicultural training in psychology (b) increase ethnic minority faculty recruitment and retention in psychology, (c) increase ethnic minority student recruitment, retention and graduation in psychology, (d) provide national leadership for diversity and multiculturalism in education, science and human services, and (e) promote data collection, research, and evaluation on ethnic minority recruitment, retention, education, graduation and training.
Those interested may read the full call here.