The APA’s Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) is seeking nominations for two new members to begin three-year terms of service on January 1, 2018. The committee functions as a catalyst for action on ethnic minority issues and concerns by interacting with and making recommendations to the various components of the APA’s governing structure, APA membership, and other groups. Committee members plan, develop, and coordinate various activities related to advocacy and promoting an understanding of the cultures and psychological well-being of ethnic minority populations, monitoring and assessing institutional barriers to equal access to psychological services, and ensuring equitable ethnic/racial representation in the profession of psychology.
To fulfill its mandate for ethnic representation and its commitment to gender equity on the Committee, the two 2017 slates are for the following: One self-identified African American/Black male psychologist and one self-identified Latino/Hispanic male psychologist. Applicants/Candidates also will need to demonstrate her knowledge, expertise, and commitment, through research, education and training, and/or the delivery of psychological services, which meet the needs and/or address the concerns of the respective targeted nomination slates (e.g., American Indian/Alaska Native communities or the African American/Black communities). In addition, CEMA welcomes the nomination of candidates who possess knowledge and expertise of other diverse populations within both the African American/Black and American Indian/Alaska Native communities (e.g., disability, older adults/elders, early career, national origin, sexual orientation, etc.). Special consideration will be given to those applicants whose education, training, experiences, and/or expertise represents basic and/or applied areas of psychological science/research. Terms of service are January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020.
Selected candidates will be required to participate in no less than two committee meetings a year and quarterly conference calls. Members also work on CEMA projects as necessary between meetings. Also, CEMA members are strongly encouraged to attend the APA annual convention at their own expense and to participate in convention programming sponsored by CEMA.
Nomination materials should include the nominee’s qualifications (including a statement of relevant experience), a current curriculum vita and a letter of interest to serve a three term on the CEMA. Self-nominations are encouraged. Nominations materials should be sent no later than September 25, 2017, to the APA Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs at the APA address or via email to: [email protected].