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FREE Division 15 Webinar

“Bridging the Research-Practice Gap through Professional Development and Research-Practitioner Partnerships,” by Alysia D. Roehrig, PhD
March 22, 2018 from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern Time

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Event Description & Featured Speaker

This webinar will explore steps for forming partnerships: from finding potential partners to maintaining meaningful collaborations. Common challenges faced and lessons learned will be highlighted to help you avoid them. Dr. Roehrig will provide insights into some of the processes used when partnerships have been successful. Opportunities such partnerships can provide both partners will also be described.

Dr. Alysia D. Roehrig earned her PhD from the University of Notre Dame in Developmental Psychology, where she studied the development of beginning teachers. She currently is the Graduate Program Director of Educational Psychology at Florida State University, where she is an Associate Professor.

Dr. Roehrig serves as the Director of PURPOSE (Partners United for Research Pathways Oriented to Social Justice in Education) funded for $1 million by the Institute of Education Sciences’ Pathways Training Grant program, which is intended to increase the diversity of those with a doctorate in education. She is also the Research Director of North Florida Freedom Schools, which offers free summer camps to children from low income neighborhood in her community.