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The APF Div. 49 Group Psychology Grant ($2,000) supports innovative group psychology research focused toward groups in applied settings.

The Group Psychology Grant focuses primarily on processes and performance in non-disordered populations. This may also include members’ beliefs about and identification with the group. Samples of topics appropriate for the group psychology award include (but are not limited to):

  • Impact of individual differences (e.g., personality), beliefs (e.g., identification with the group), and situational or structural factors (e.g., within-group conflict, virtuality) on group processes, judgment, decision making, or performance.
  • Impact of group interaction on member states such as beliefs, affect, interest in affiliation, and identification with the group.
  • Differences in leadership and its impact on group process or performance
  • Measurement of group-level constructs such as team emotional intelligence, group cohesion, collective resilience, collective efficacy, etc.

The APF Div. 49 Group Psychotherapy Grant ($2,000) supports innovative group psychotherapy research applied to small groups in a naturalistic setting.

The Group Psychotherapy Grant focuses primarily on groups in a therapeutic context. Issues such as effectiveness of different approaches to group therapy would fall under this area.  Although this will often involve studies of group psychotherapy, it may also include other groups with health implications (e.g., support groups for smoking cessation, weight loss, etc.). Samples of topics appropriate for the group psychotherapy award include (but are not limited to):

  • Efficacy of group therapy for specific disorders
  • Impact of member individual differences, including gender, personality, prior duration of disorder, or comorbidity, on effectiveness of group therapy
  • Relative efficacy of different modes of therapy (e.g., comparing group to individual) or different communication styles (e.g., use of referential language) within or across disorders
  • The role of group climate in the effectiveness of group therapy

For more detailed information regarding eligibility and how to apply for these awards, please visit The application deadline is June 1, 2018.