The Competition: Are you an early career psychologist (ECP, 0-10 years post doctorate) who wants to spread the word about the importance and benefits of self-care? This is your opportunity! Have fun, get creative and increase awareness by creating a short video in any style you please.
Deadline: Monday, May 15, 2018 at 11:59pm EST.
The Prize: Two winners will be selected. The primary entrant will have their APA membership comped for next year. The video will be disseminated through APA digital platforms and will also be screened of the video at APA’s 2018 Convention in San Francisco.
How to Enter: 1. Produce a creative, informative, and engaging 30-60 second video that answers the question: “What does good self-care look like to you?” The style of the video is up to you—scripted, live, animated, and so on. 2. Upload the video to 3. Once you have uploaded the video, immediately send an email to [email protected] with the subject line: Video Contest. Include: (a) the shareable link to your video, (b) your first and last name, (c) your year of graduation from a doctoral program in psychology; (d) your APA member #, which you can obtain from; (c) your preferred email address and phone number; (c) all additional participants’ names, roles, and emails; (e) a title and brief 50-word description of the video; and (f) the direct source links of any non-original graphics and audio used, if any. Note: Participants are any individuals involved with the production of your video such as acting, filming, producing or narrating. While you, the entrant, must be an ECP, participants need not be. Direction questions to [email protected].
Miscellaneous Requirements: 1. You must be a member of APA; you can join when you submit your video if you need to. 2. There must only be one primary entrant, you. 3. Your video can be no longer than one minute and must refrain from offensive or obscene content. 4. You cannot infringe on any third-party copyrights or other intellectual property rights. Any graphics or audio included in a video must be original, entirely your own, and not previously published—unless it is fully unrestricted creative commons music. 4. All submissions become the property of APA and can be used and excerpted at its discretion, including releasing the names of entrants and participants. You may retain a copy of your video for your own purposes. 5. You can submit as many videos as you’d like but you can only win one time.
Winner Selection: Shortly after the submission deadline, public voting will commence on all eligible videos through APA’s Early Career Listservs and other means. A process will be announced at that time. We will ask voters to assess videos on engagement, creativity, memorability, and showcasing the importance of self-care for all psychologists. An announcement of the winner(s) will take place by June 1, 2018.
Sponsored by the APA Advisory Committee on Colleague Assistance (ACCA) and the Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP)