At its meeting in February, 2017, APA Council voted a change to the APA Finance Committee slates. The Finance Committee is seeking nominations for SLATE 2, which shall be drawn from APA members who have demonstrated interest and expertise in organizational financial policies and operations.
Individuals with relevant interest and expertise are encouraged to submit nominations (including self-nominations). The following are examples of experiences that may be considered relevant (including but not limited to):
- Experience pertaining to personal, business, or practice financial and budgetary management.
- Service on Finance Committee or Board of Directors of the APA or similar organizations
- Served as Treasurer or in other financial capacity in a Division, APA Board or Committee, State Psychological Association or in another related organization.
- Academic Administrator with financial/ budgetary oversight (Dept. Chair, Dean, Provost, Vice President, President, on University budget committee, etc.).
- Healthcare, mental health or hospital administrator or director with financial/budgetary oversight.
- CFO of an organization or consultant with financial or budgetary responsibilities.
Please submit nominations (including self-nominations), along with a short 1-page or less summary of your CV/Resume to RickyWashington at [email protected] no later than Thursday, April 12, 2018. Nominations must include a statement that describes fit for the slate.