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I am awarding presidential citations as a part of my APA Citizen Psychologist™ Initiative throughout 2018 to exemplary APA members who serve as leaders in their various communities and contribute to improving the lives of all through public service, volunteerism, board membership and other strategic roles.

I have decided to award citations to APA members across all membership categories, including associates and affiliates who are involved in citizen psychology activities. Information about this program, and the definition of Citizen Psychologist, is updated at  All nominees for citations must have sustained activities in improving their communities; bring psychological science or expertise to these activities beyond their day-to-day work; and at least one of their community roles must be as a leader, demonstrating exceptionalism in said leadership role.

Nominees must be APA members. Most awardees will hold a doctorate in psychology or a related field and be a full member, fellow, or lifetime status member. Nominations of individuals who exemplify citizen psychology work are also now also being accepted for APA associate members, international affiliates, graduate student affiliates, undergraduate student affiliates, high school student affiliates, community college teacher affiliates, high school teacher affiliates, and other lifetime status members.

Self-nominations and nominations from individuals and groups (including Divisions) are welcome. These must be received by July 1, but the sooner the better. Learn more at


Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, ABPP
2018 APA President