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Dear Colleagues,

As you know, APA President Dr. Jessica Henderson Daniel recently appointed a Presidential Workgroup on an Expanded APA Advocacy Model. The charge to the workgroup from the APA Council of Representatives and President is to develop a plan for implementation of the joint 501(c)3 and 501(c)6 membership agreement for approval at Council’s August 2018 meeting.

As the workgroup’s co-chairs, we are pleased to let you know that we have launched a webpage for APA members to follow along with the activities of the workgroup. The webpage is at (It is available to all APA members, but requires you to login with your APA password.) We had our first meeting on Wednesday, May 9 – the slides are available now.

We are honored to be appointed co-chairs of this distinguished group, and look forward to providing you with regular updates and opportunities for input through this webpage.

—      APA Past-President Antonio E. Puente, PhD, Workgroup Co-Chair

—      APA Recording Secretary Jennifer F. Kelly, PhD, ABPP, Workgroup Co-Chair