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The Group of Educational Psychology, University of Mannheim, are conducting a meta-analysis on the effect of formative practices on learning outcomes. We are contacting you to check if you have unpublished results on this topic (e.g. theses, dissertations, findings from your studies).

Formative practices for example may include assessments conducted in classrooms or online quizzes or assignments, feedback provided to learners, instructions for learners etc. If you have implemented one or more of the formative practices and assessed the learning outcomes and/or motivation (either pre-post design OR with a control group) we would be happy to include your results in our meta-analysis. Along with your results it would be helpful if you provided us with the sample characteristics such as the size of each group, means and standard deviations of assessment scores, subject (e.g. math, language, science), learners’ age and whether the learners had special education needs.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or if you would like to clarify whether your results are relevant for our meta-analysis or not. We are glad to reply to your queries.

We request you to address your findings and queries to [email protected] until 30.06.2018.

Thank you in advance for your support in accomplishing a comprehensive meta-analysis.