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Please consider submitting an abstract for our special issue of L1 – Educational Studies of Language and Literature titled: Systematically Designed Literature Classroom Interventions: Design Principles, Development and Implementation. As highlighted in the full call (linked here) and on the website (, the purpose of the special issue is to bring much-needed attention to the design, implementation, and refinement of interventions focused on the improvement of language and literacy instruction and/or learning.

Intervention studies in literature classrooms are pivotal to investigate the effects of instructional approaches that have been purposefully designed to achieve certain learning outcomes. Ideally, design principles, design procedures and the resulting interventions (e.g., lessons, projects or materials) are described comprehensively in research papers. A lack of explicit and detailed descriptions poses a threat to the validity and replicability of interventions, and hampers gaining insights in the domain-specific instructional activities that are designed to achieve particular aims.

For this special issue, we aim to collect papers that comprehensively describe the design of a literature classroom intervention.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lead guest editor: Marloes Schrijvers at [email protected]