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Dear Educator,

The American Psychological Association (APA) needs your input about the current professional development needs of America’s educators.

  • APA’s Educator Needs Survey, which has been approved by the Lehigh University Institutional Review Board, is gathering information in the context of a research student about educators’ perceptions of professional development in several areas, including learning, motivation, social and emotional factors, classroom management, and assessment informed by psychological science.
  • The survey will help form APA professional development resources for teachers based on the needs educators identify.
  • The mission of APA is to improve education at every level, most particularly with regard to the life of children and youth in schools. Psychologists have developed a body of knowledge that addresses the key issues of assessment, accountability, professional training (including providing direct services for teachers and students), interventions for behavioral and emotional difficulties, literacy, resilience, student learning and achievement.
  • This research will expand on prior surveys of teachers, superintendents, policymakers, chief state school officers, governors, state legislators, congressional staff and education association executive directors regarding education research priorities.
  • To protect confidentiality, data will be released in aggregate only. Survey results will be available on the APA website at 
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Maha Khalid ([email protected] or (202) 336-5977), Rena Subotnik ([email protected] or (202) 336-5923), or the lead investigator George DuPaul ([email protected]). We welcome your comments and interest. If you have questions about your rights as a research participant or wish to report a research-related inquiry, please contact Lehigh University’s Office of Research Integrity at (610) 758-2871 or [email protected]. All reports or correspondence will be kept confidential.

It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the Survey. Participants will have an opportunity to enter a random drawing for a $20 gift card from Amazon.

APA’s Educator Needs Survey has been approved by the Lehigh University Institutional Review Board.

For additional information, please contact Maha Khalid at [email protected] or (202)336-5977