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The Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching series seeks proposals for chapters in an upcoming volume, Teaching Motivation for Student Engagement:

In an age where the quality of teacher education programs has never been more important, educators need a fundamental understanding of the principles of human learning, motivation, and development.  Each volume in this series will draw upon the latest research to help college instructors select and model essential principles of learning, motivation, assessment, and development to prepare professionals to work with children and adolescents in diverse learning contexts using asset-based pedagogies. Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching is a series for instructors who teach educational psychology content in teacher education programs.

Chapters in this volume may include (a) a review the empirical research that supports the teaching of motivation as it applies to P-12 settings; (b) a description of instructional practices used in college courses that have been effective in teaching about and modeling classroom motivation principles; or (c) a systematic discussion of issues surrounding teaching motivation theories, research, and classroom applications with clear connections between the empirical literature and the instructional practices.  

In the Teaching Motivation for Student Engagement volume, we are seeking chapters that fall within one of two themes:

●      How do college instructors effectively teach teachers about motivation?  What methods, strategies, and assignments are most effective in understanding and applying motivation theory and research to practice?  How do college instructors “walk the talk” in their own classrooms so their students experience and come to understand the key components of motivating learning environments?

●      Why is teaching motivation principles so important for teachers?  In what ways does an understanding of human motivation as it applies to classrooms and school environments essential for student learning and well-being?  What is most important for teachers to understand about human motivation?  What issues surrounding motivation need to be addressed (e.g., cultural, social)?

Proposals should be between 500-750 words and address the following:

  • Scope and summary of the proposed chapter
  • Fit to the series and volume, as well as the theme listed above

In the spirit of collaboration and mentorship, we encourage authors to include graduate students or colleagues, who teach the same or similar courses, as co-authors.

Proposals should be submitted to Debra Meyer by January 1, 2019.

Contact the volume co-editors, Debra Meyer ([email protected]) and Alyssa Emery ([email protected]) for more information.