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The 2019 APA Board and Committee Call for Nominations form can be accessed at the following link  You will need to login using your MyAPA account ID and password.   If you haven’t yet registered for your MyAPA account or have forgotten your login ID or password, simply follow the instructions provided once you click on the link.  March 8 is the deadline for submitting nominations.

Additional Information:

  • The Board of Directors encourages the nomination of those members who may be new to APA governance or who are underrepresented in the current governance structure.
  • Self-nominations are encouraged.
  • 2019 Calendar
    • March 8 is the deadline for submitting nominations.
    • The election slates are developed by respective boards and committees in the spring.
    • The Board of Directors approves the slates at its June meeting.
    • Following the June Board meeting, nominees are contacted to determine their willingness to run, and serve, if elected.
    • The Ballot is sent to members of the 2019 Council the last working day of October.

We hope you find the site easy to use.  Please provide feedback on your experience upon completing your nominations by using the link “Questions & Contacts” found at the top of the page.  Should you have any questions about the process of submitting nominations, contact the Election Office at [email protected] or by phone at (202) 336-6087.

APA Election Office