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Through generous support from the John Templeton Foundation, Baylor University is soliciting applications for two Requests for Proposals in relation to the project, “Character Strength Interventions for Adolescents: Engaging Scholars and Practitioners to Promote Virtue Development.”  Both RFPs aim to galvanize widespread scientific development and dissemination of virtue interventions for adolescents across a diversity of contexts youth inhabit that attend to spirituality and transcendent purpose. Proposals for both calls should focus on interventions targeted to develop one or more of eight virtues, including: love, gratitude, hope, patience, generosity, joy, wisdom, and forgiveness. Dr. Sarah Schnitker (Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Baylor University) and Dr. Benjamin Houltberg (Director of Research, USC Performance Science Institute, Marshall School of Business) are leading this project.

RFP 1: Engaging Scholars and Practitioners to Promote Virtue Development grants will award 3-5 grants ranging from $150,000 to $300,000.  Researchers and youth practitioners in collaboration to develop and test interventions targeted to build virtues in adolescents in non-school based contexts (e.g., athletic teams, religious organizations, youth community centers, youth organizations).  The project timeline is fall 2019-2021. Application Deadline: May 1, 2019.

RFP 2: The Improving Character Strengths of Adolescents through Technology Innovation grants will award 3-5 grants ranging from $60,000 to $80,000 for a project timeline of 12-14 months from fall 2019-2020. The Technology Innovation Grants will fund innovative technological or new media product prototype development based on applied positive developmental science. Example products include smartphone apps, video games, and content for new media regularly frequented by adolescents (e.g., YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram). Application Deadline: June 1, 2019.

To learn more about this grant, the sub-award opportunities and how to apply, visit:

Contact the team at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Follow us: @templeton_fdn @DrSchnitker @Baylor @BenHoultberg @USCPSI