Registration for the 2019 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference is now open! Registration information can be found here.
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 2019 Annual Conference will be held at the RBC Convention Centre in the heart of downtown Winnipeg from June 11 – 14, 2019. We are excited to offer a unique, full-day pre-conference session opportunity to visit and learn about Indigenous worldviews at Turtle Lodge Central House of Knowledge. Delegates will be provided with teachings from Grandmothers, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers; visit a sacred lodge; and participate in a Pipe and Water ceremony. Save the date, June 11, 2019!
You are receiving this notification because you are an influential and valued member of the education community and we welcome your participation in this annual conference. The STLHE conference is a networking and professional development opportunity to showcase innovative ideas and learn more about what is happening in the higher education teaching and learning field. It is also a fertile setting to reciprocally share feedback on the journey behind our research, projects, programs and ideas. As such, this year’s conference theme is Guiding the Journey: Learner – Teacher – Learner.
This conference is ideal for:
- Post-secondary educators and administrators,
- Higher education researchers,
- Educational Developers,
- Graduate students,
- Experts in the field of higher education, and
- K-12 experts who work with those in higher education.
The pre-conference workshops focusing on the theme Learning Spaces might also be of interest to you. There will be many opportunities throughout the pre-conference and the regular conference to network with experts in the field, faculty members, administrators, and teaching and learning centre staff. STLHE is a great opportunity to receive feedback and/or future directions for your own programs and research endeavours.
Those interested may learn more and register here.