FREE Division 15 Webinar
“Policy-informed scholarship: Forging a role for psychological research in educational policy”
Featuring Sharon L. Nichols, PhD & Moderated by Matt Irvin, PhD.
Thursday, March 28, 2019 12:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time
Event Description & Featured Speaker

About the Event: The purpose of this webinar is to lead a discussion of the ways educational psychologists may think about the connections between their scholarship and the educational policy context. This presentation will include a description of “policy-informed” scholarship to help frame the discussion of research and policy. This description includes (a) ideas for creating new psychological research with policy in mind, (b) what researchers might do to translate existing work for policy-makers (e.g., the development of briefs), and (c) how to think about dissemination and impact. The webinar will conclude with a question/answer session to gauge participants’ questions about as well as experiences with policy-related scholarship.
About Our Featured Speaker: Sharon L. Nichols is Professor of Educational Psychology at UTSA. She teaches graduate and undergraduate classes in research methods, learning theory, motivation, and development.
Dr. Nichols has authored over three dozen books, journal articles and book chapters related to youth development and motivation and educational policy. She is the editor of Educational policies and youth in the 21st century: Problems, potential, and progress (Information Age, 2016), and coauthor of Collateral damage: How high-stakes testing corrupts America’s schools (with D. C. Berliner, Harvard Education Press, 2007). Her current work focuses on the impact of test-based accountability on teachers, their instructional practices and adolescent motivation and development.