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Learning how to do great science requires a toolbox of skills. Skills for effectively communicating science. To secure funding for scientific work. To identify where and when job opportunities arise. To get the offers to start your first job and build the record to keep that job. No one takes a class to acquire this toolbox, who has the time? Yet, we still need these tools, so where do we find them? We launched the Future Directions Forum to help you build your scientific toolbox. At the Forum, we dedicate a full day to offering professional development workshops, as well as small group and one-on-one expert consultations on all aspects of academic work. We webcast many of these events online so that those who cannot attend in-person can have access to this content from wherever they are.

Learning new skills only gets you so far. You need a space to showcase those skills and what you have to offer. Thus, a key element of the Forum is that it raises the public awareness of its attendees. In Washington, DC, our Forum Science Social features presentations rendered in an all-digital environment. Further, we leverage the small, intimate atmosphere of the meeting for networking opportunities between presenters and the world-class speakers we invite to the Forum. Online, we host the Forum Science Community. Here, webcast attendees have the opportunity to present their research and interact with other attendees. We leverage online platforms to enhance the visibility of all this work.

In keeping with our focus on the future of science, we dedicate a full day to learning about innovative areas of mental health research, based on featured content from a leading mental health journal, the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP). In particular, articles from JCCAP’sFuture Directions series ( are written by thought leaders who come from research backgrounds as diverse as interventions, neuroscience, suicide, health disparities, sleep, and stigma. As such, at the Forum we cover research relevant to anyone allied with the diverse fields that focus on mental health, including Counseling, Education, Neuroscience, Nursing, Pediatrics, Psychology, Psychiatry, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, and Sociology. An extended description of the Forum can be found here:


The 2019 Future Directions Forum will be in Washington, DC, on June 28th-29th, 2019, on the top floor of the American Psychological Association’s home office ( We webcast much of the Forum’s programming so that people from all over the world can view the Forum from wherever they are!

Call for Abstracts Documents

Please see our official Call for Abstracts documents for more information. At the Forum, we accept abstracts on any area of mental health research, including research across the lifespan (i.e., childhood through adulthood).

Abstract Submission Survey

We accept submissions via an online survey, which you can access here:

Deadline for Submission and Notification

We will review abstract submissions submitted on or before 11:59pm on Friday, March 22nd, 2019. Review decisions on abstracts will be communicated on a rolling basis between March 11th and March 29th of 2019.

Presentation Format

Presentations will all be in a digital poster format created using Microsoft Powerpoint© software. If your abstract is accepted for presentation we will prompt you via email to upload your presentation into our system for visual production. We will disseminate all of this work via Instagram, assign each presentation, a digital object identifier (doi); and link this doi to Altmetric© (, allowing presenters to track visibility of their work!