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Division 35 Section 4 Laura Brown Award

The Laura Brown Award is given annually by APA’s Division 35, Section 4 Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns, to a psychologist who has made outstanding contributions in advancing lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women’s psychology through research, teaching, practice, and/or activism.

Nomination applications should include the nominee’s CV and a brief description of how the nominee fits the above criteria for the award. Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.

Submit all nomination materials as one document via email to Alex Agiliga, Awards Committee Chair ([email protected]) by Monday, May 20, 2019 (no later than 6:00 pm EST).

Division 35 Section 4 Graduate Student and Early Career Psychologist Awards

Research Awards

The purpose of the research awards is to fund LGBTQ-related research which has been proposed or is ongoing, but has not yet been completed. Applicants must be either current graduate students or early career psychologists who have completed their PhD/PsyD within the past 10 years. Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate academic rigor and a commitment to LGBTQ research from a feminist perspective, as evidenced by publications, presentations, etc., and to those whose research would not be possible without funding.

Application materials for research awards:

  • 2-3 page abbreviated CV.
  • One-page letter of recommendation from an advisor or someone otherwise in a position to speak on the applicant’s strengths and experiences as a researcher and ability to successfully complete the study for which funding is sought.
  • Overview of research in APA format, including methodology, background/rationale, research questions, and implications (3-5 pages, not including references). Include a brief discussion of the need for funding and lack of alternative funding to conduct this research.

Travel Awards

The purpose of the travel awards is to help support attendance and participation at APA’s Annual

Convention for graduate students and early career psychologists who have completed their PhD/PsyD within the past 10 years. Priority will be given to applicants with accepted proposals to present at Convention and those demonstrating a commitment to work with LGBTQ populations from a feminist perspective through research, practice, teaching, and/or community involvement.

Application materials for travel awards:

  • 2-3 page abbreviated CV.
  • One-page letter of recommendation from an advisor or someone otherwise in a position to speak on the applicant’s commitment to working with LGBTQ populations from a feminist perspective.
  • If presenting, documentation of proposal acceptance.
  • Two-page personal statement addressing how attending Convention will benefit the applicant’s professional development and goals in relation to LGBTQ feminist psychology. Please include in the statement a brief discussion of your need for funding in order to attend APA Convention and the lack of alternative funding sources to support conference travel.
Early Career Research Award $500.00
Graduate Student Research Award $500.00
Early Career Travel Award $250.00
Graduate Student Travel Award $250.00

Applications should be submitted as one document via email to Alex Agiliga, Awards Committee Chair ([email protected]) by Monday, May 20, 2019 (no later than 6:00 pm EST).