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We are seeking proposals for chapters in an upcoming volume, Teaching to Prepare Advocates, part of the Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching series:

In an age where the quality of teacher education programs has never been more important, educators need a fundamental understanding of the principles of human learning, motivation, and development. Each volume in the series will draw upon the latest research to help college instructors select and model essential principles of learning, motivation, and development prepare professionals to work with children and adolescents in diverse learning contexts using asset-based pedagogies. Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching is a series for instructors who teach educational psychology content in teacher education programs.

In the Teaching to Prepare Advocates volume, we are seeking chapters that fall within one of two themes: (a) Advocating for evidence-based principles of learning, development, and motivation; and (2) Advocating for students.

Advocating for Evidence-Based Principles of Learning, Development, and Motivation

Guiding questions:

Ø  How might college/university instructors advocate for the inclusion of Educational Psychology courses and content within teacher preparation programs?

Ø  How might college instructors prepare K-12 teachers to be advocates for implementation of instructional policies and practices grounded in evidence-based principles of learning, development, and motivation amongst colleagues and administrators?

Ø  How might college/university instructors address wide-spread misconceptions about learning, motivation, or development (e.g., learning styles, uncritical acceptance of competition-based classroom structures) held by colleagues and administrators?

Advocating for Students

Guiding questions:

Ø  How might education programs prepare K-12 teachers to advocate on behalf of students from under-represented groups (e.g., culture, language, gender, sexual orientation, “hidden” populations such as students in foster homes)? In what realms might this advocacy be needed? To whom do teachers need to advocate?

Ø  What are some ways K-12 teachers can support their students in self-advocating? How might education programs prepare teachers for this endeavor?

Chapters may include a review of prior research or presentation of new empirical research; a description of instructional practices; or a systematic discussion of issues and areas of needed research. In all instances, chapters should focus on teaching Educational Psychology, specifically, within teacher education.

Proposals should be between 500-750 words and address the following:

  • Scope and summary of the proposed chapter
  • Fit to the series and volume, as well as the theme listed above

In the spirit of collaboration and mentorship, we encourage authors to include graduate students or colleagues, who teach the same or similar courses, as co-authors.

Proposals are due November 1, 2019. Submit proposals to Christina Regier ([email protected]) as a .docx or .pdf attachment named FirstAuthorLastName_Theme1 (or 2). Please include a separate title page with the title, author names, degrees, and institutions, as well as contact information for corresponding author (named FirstAuthorLastName_Title Page).

Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated based on: a) usefulness to college instructors of educational psychology, b) evidence of theoretical/empirical support, c) broad accessibility and applicability of topics, d) quality of writing, and e) overall quality of ideas.

Estimated Timeline:

Ø  11/1/19: Proposal due

Ø  1/1/20: Authors notified

Ø  3/1/20: Chapter due

Ø  6/1/20: Feedback from Editors

Ø  9/1/20: Revisions due

Ø  2021: Volume published

Final chapters will be approximately 25-35 double-space pages including references, tables, and figures.

Questions should be directed to Contact Mike Yough ([email protected]) and/or Lynley Anderman ([email protected]).