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Deep poverty affects more than 18.5 million people in the United States, and research supports that people living in deep poverty are at higher risk for stress, anxiety, depression and more likely to experience violence, homelessness and a host of other challenges.

So, what can we do to CHALLENGE DEEP POVERTY? To find out, take the pledge to join our 5-Week Deep Poverty Challenge.

Given the diverse areas of research and practice within the field of psychology, psychological science can help inform solutions to deep poverty.

The challenge, which is being held as part of APA President Rosie Phillips Davis, PhD’s, Deep Poverty Initiative, will help you:

  • Examine biases, attitudes, and stigma towards those in deep poverty.
  • Engage with people in deep poverty and create partnerships with community organizations that advocate for people in deep poverty.
  • Empower people in deep poverty to have a voice in their community and advocate for systemic changes.
  • Offer Everyone a chance to do something to make a difference.

Sign up to get updates on the tasks and learning objectives for each week of the challenge.

The challenge begins on September 10, in concurrence with the U.S. Census Bureau annual release of the national poverty indicators, and will end on October 17, World Poverty Day.

Together, we can help stop the vicious cycle of deep poverty in the United States.