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Award Amount: $1,500
Proposals Due: December 9, 2019

DeLeon Gray, AERA Division C Equity and Inclusion Chair, [email protected]
Sara Baszczewski, AERA Division C Graduate Student Senior Co-Chair, [email protected]
Brooke Harris-Thomas, AERA Division C Graduate Student Junior Co-Chair, [email protected] 

Overview: The AERA Division C Equity and Inclusion and Graduate Student committees have joined forces to invite Division C Graduate Members to participate in our second annual “Shark Tank.” Modeled after the popular television show by the same name, this research design competition offers our graduate members interested in equity and inclusion a unique way of funding their research ideas. Graduate student members of Division C are invited to submit a letter of interest to conduct research addressing (an) issue(s) of equity and/or inclusion. The proposed research must examine inquiry into learning and instruction with a focus on the experiences of (an) underrepresented group(s) and/or international populations with cultural constructs and/or theoretical frameworks.

The Process: Interested Division C graduate students or teams will submit letters of interest outlining initial proposals and qualifications.  Letter review and selection will be completed by members of the Division C Equity and Inclusion and Graduate Student committees.  We will invite 4-5 participants or teams to submit a full proposal to be presented to our panel of “Sharks” at the 2020 Annual Meeting.  At the end of the session, the Sharks, along with a live vote from audience members will determine which proposal will be funded.

How to Apply: Please submit a 500 word  letter of interest describing the specific issue or problem addressed in the proposed project, as well as why it is important to study. Please be sure to discuss how it relates to Division C goals and objectives. Finally, describe the research questions, sample, and methodological approach.

Due Date & Eligibility: Letters of interest must be emailed in one pdf file to [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] by Monday, December 9, 2019 by 11:59 pm PST (email subject line: Division C Graduate Student Shark Tank). The Primary Investigator must be a graduate student member of Division C. The Primary Investigator must be continuously enrolled in graduate school for the duration of the project award period (January 2020 – April 2021).

Finalist Selection:

Up to five participants will be selected to present their full proposals at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting. The selection committee will consider the following:

  1. Description of Proposed Research: Are the goals and objectives of the project clearly articulated?
  2. Relevance and Novelty of Proposed Research: Does the project hold the potential of making a substantive contribution to scholarly discourse on the research topic being investigated?
  3. Research Methods: Are the proposed methods appropriate for addressing research questions? Investigators are encouraged to discuss information regarding research design, data analysis, time frame for project completion, and access to the resources that will be necessary for project completion.

Next Steps for Finalists: Finalists will submit a full proposal no less than 2 weeks before the 2020 Annual Meeting. They will present a  brief “pitch” for their proposed research to a panel of judges (i.e., “Sharks”) at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Finalists are encouraged to make the presentations engaging, or hear “I’m out!” from our Sharks.