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Drs. Terri Thorkildsen and Ernest Morrell, Co-Chairs

Nominations are open for the 2020 competition for the Division C Early Career Award. The award will recognize emerging scholars in the area of learning and instruction. One award will be given each year, if an outstanding candidate is in the pool of applicants.


In selecting a nominee to put forward, please use the following guidelines:

The nominee’s work must be judged to be of high quality and to significantly contribute to the field by the Division C Early Career Award Committee.

The nominee must have three original empirical or theoretical articles published in peer reviewed journals where the nominee is sole or first author on at least two of these.

The nominee’s doctorate must have been awarded in the last six years from the time of nomination.

The nominee should have a demonstrated record of involvement in AERA (such as presenting at the annual meeting, publishing in AERA journals, or service to the organization).

The nominee must be a member of Division C of the American Educational Research Association.

Nomination Process

The nomination must include the following four items:

  1. A letter of nomination from a professional colleague who is an AERA Division C member.
  2. Two additional letters of support that addresses the nominee’s contribution to the field and the reasons why the nominee’s work represents a significant contribution to the field.
  3. Three original articles where the nominee is sole or first author on at least two.
  4. The nominee’s current curriculum vita.

Nomination materials should be submitted electronically by January 17, 2020 to: Terri Thorkildsen ([email protected]) and Ernest Morrell ([email protected]) with the subject line “2020 AERA DIVC EARLY CAREER AWARD”.