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Up to $15,000 to improve the quality of education in psychological science and its application in secondary schools for high ability students.

The Esther Katz Rosen Precollege Psychology Grant Program provides financial support for efforts aimed at improving the quality of education in psychological science and its application in the secondary schools for high ability students. Proposals must focus on supplying education for gifted and talented high school students.

Program Goals

  • Improves the quality of high-school education in psychology.
  • Encourages high ability high school students to pursue careers in psychology.

Proposals will be evaluated on:

  • Conformance with stated program goals
  • Nature and magnitude of incremental contribution
  • Capability for accomplishing the proposed work
  • Likelihood of producing generalizable outcomes

Applicants must:

  • Be an educational institution, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, or individual affiliated with qualifying institution. Teaching time releases are not supported from the Rosen Fund.

See our website for more information:

Click here to apply for this grant:

The deadline for applications is March 15, 2020.

APF welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds with respect to age, race, color, religion, creed, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender, and geography.