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Laura Brown Award: For a psychologist who has made outstanding contributions in advancing lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women’s psychology. Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague. Nominations consist of CV and a description of how the nominee fits the award criteria.

ECP & Graduate student Travel and Research Awards: Research Awards ($500 each) fund LGBTQ-related research which has been proposed or is ongoing. Application consists of abbreviated CV, letter of recommendation, and research overview. Travel Awards ($250 each) help support attendance and participation at APA’s Annual Convention. Application consists of abbreviated CV, letter of recommendation, documentation of proposal acceptance (if presenting), and a personal statement.

Social Media Coordinator: The Social Media Coordinator ($250 stipend) will be involved in marketing and documenting Section 4 happenings leading up to and during APA Convention. Application consists of abbreviated CV and personal statement.

Please see hyperlinks or attachments for details on how to nominate and apply. All nominations and applications are due Friday, May 1, 2020 (11:59pm EST) to Awards Committee Chair, Alex Agiliga ([email protected]).