The APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) is pleased to invite nominations for three seats for the a) Divisions Representative, b) Governance and Membership Representative and c) Science Representative, to serve a three-year term (2021-2023) on the committee. The application deadline is Monday August 17, 2020.
- Represent CECP for APA divisions.
- Serve as CECP liaison to the Committee on APA/Division Relations (CODAPAR) and as the CECP point of contact for relationships with the APA divisions and affiliated groups.
- Work with APAGS membership and communications member-at-large to foster and support common areas of interest for both groups and to identify collaborative opportunities.
- Upon invitation, attend and actively participate in the CODAPAR’s annual Division Leadership Conference (DLC). Given that the DLC typically occurs in January, the division representative will be required to attend the January meeting after the conclusion of their term to provide continuity in representation at that meeting as the new division representative will just be beginning their term.
- Develop initiatives and programs within APA that support the needs of ECPs in APA divisions as appropriate.
- Promote and support activities, projects and programs that foster joint membership and participation between ECP members of APA and APA divisions.
Governance and Membership
- Represent the ECP governance and membership community in APA.
- Provide feedback on early career initiatives and activities to CECP and APA.
- Serve as CECP liaison to the Membership Board and advise the board on successful recruitment, retention and engagement efforts aimed at early career professionals (ECP).
- Serve as point of contact for the membership representatives on all boards and committees within the APA governance structure.
- Work closely with the CECP staff liaison to develop activities focused on early career membership and strategies for increasing recruitment, retention and involvement of early career members.
- Work with CECP staff liaison to provide suggestions for social media initiatives and other electronic initiatives focused on the needs of early career members.
- Work with the APAGS membership representative (or equivalent) to foster and support common areas of interest for both groups and to identify collaborative opportunities.
- Submit information to APA communications (e.g., Monitor) regarding CECP activities and highlighting best practices in early career member involvement.
- Monitor early career outreach communications via social media and other electronic outlets and actively stimulating topics of discussions and conversations.
- Work with APA staff to host CECP social events at APA Annual Convention.
- Work with CECP staff liaison to identify all ECPs in attendance at each Spring Consolidated meeting (by contacting board and committee staff and chairs), initiate reach out to ECP attendees through email of the events (e.g., CECP breakfast/lunch meeting, ECP social hour).
- Write a report of CECP activities (e.g. CECP lunch meeting, social hour) for the Spring Consolidated meeting for distribution to the committee and inclusion in CECP’s annual report.
- Aid in and facilitate other CECP members in drafting letters of support on behalf of CECP for ECPs applying to APA boards and committees.
- The governance and membership representative, along with other CECP representatives, as needed, will be responsible for assisting in the planning of an annual business meeting at the APA convention.
- Represent the ECP scientific community in APA.
- Serve as the CECP liaison to the Board of Scientific Affairs and the Publications and Communications Board, and as the CECP point of contact for relationships with the Science Directorate, APA psychological science committees, affiliated groups and the scientific community.
- Represent the interests of ECPs to the Board of Scientific Affairs and Science Directorate within APA.
- Develop and support projects within APA to promote the needs of ECPs in psychological science and research.
- Assist in scientific activities to advance psychological science and promote ECP relations, contributions and approaches in scientific psychology with other scientific bodies.
- Attend and actively participate in Science Directorate’s annual Science Leadership Conference.
- Share strategies for increasing recruitment, retention and involvement of ECPs in psychological science, and provide feedback on CECP initiatives and activities.
- Promote and encourage submission of evidence-based psychological science presentation and posters at the APA convention and other psychology conferences.
CECP members must be APA members within ten years of the receipt of a doctorate in psychology or related field. Those interested may submit their application here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Lucia Gutierrez, PhD at [email protected]. For additional information on our nomination process, please visit our website.