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Are you a licensed psychologist actively engaged in the provision of assessment? Please help a graduate student with her dissertation by sparing 7-20 minutes of your time to complete a survey on your current assessment practices! In addition to helping with a dissertation (we’ve all been there, right?!), you would be contributing to a better understanding of the current landscape of psychological assessment. There is also a chance to win one of 15 $50 Amazon gift cards if you choose to participate. Below a brief description of the research and the link to the survey and informed consent form with more information. Thank you!!

Brief dissertation research description:

This survey is conducted to better understand current assessment practices (e.g., time spent in assessment, specific test usage, and feedback practices) as well as the current use and interest in therapeutic techniques in the provision of assessment. Your participation will entail taking an online survey. Click the link below to be directed to the survey:
