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Email of interest due: July 20, 2020
Manuscript submission deadline: December 1, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge to societies around the world, requiring rapid responses from educational, government and business institutions. Just as important, it has presented critical challenges to all of us, requiring each of us to understand and respond to this threat as it plays out in our daily lives.We invite manuscripts describing empirical research that investigates psychological responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics of interest for the special issue include risk perception, risk communication, and decision making.An ideal submission will describe work that meets the following criteria:

  • The work is motivated by and contributes to theories relevant to cognitive or other psychological processes.
  • The work is experimental in the sense that it provides evidence for causal influences underlying the findings and provides the reader some certainty in the interpretation of the causal influences; multi-experiment studies may be important for providing such evidence. Other methods may also be appropriate, so long as the study design provides compelling suggestions of causal factors.
  • The work produces findings that have immediate and obvious practical relevance.

If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please email the editors for the special issue: Susan JoslynGale Sinatra, and Dan Morrow by July 20, 2020. Include a tentative title and brief summary of the planned manuscript. The letter of intent is optional. All solicited manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and required to meet the standards of any Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied manuscript.The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2020. The special issue will be published Spring 2021.Papers should be submitted through the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied Manuscript Submission Portal. Please indicate in your cover letter that you wish for the paper to be considered as part of the special issue on Psychological Factors in Responding to COVID-19.