All courses are from 1:00–5:00 p.m. EDT. / FEE $35 – Live or On Demand Access
How to Write About Qualitative Research (RL-6)
Thursday, August 6
Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower, Virginia Tech
This interactive course aims to help beginning qualitative researchers—whether they are graduate students writing a qualitative dissertation or those learning qualitative methods so they can do mixed methods research—learn some of the key expectations, practices, and conventions of writing traditional qualitative research.
Empowerment Evaluation (RL-7)
Wednesday, August 26
David M. Fetterman, Fetterman and Associates
Employing lecture, activities, demonstration, and discussion, the course will introduce participants to the theory, concepts, principles, and steps of empowerment evaluation as well as the technological tools to facilitate the approach.
Using Factor Analysis for Survey Design and Validation (RL-8)
Tuesday, September 1
Katherine Picho, Howard University (course director)
Marie Plaisime, Howard University
Intended for educators (including administrators) and researchers at all levels, this interactive course provides a primer on survey development and the use of factor analysis to validate surveys.
Co-Decolonizing Research Methods: Toward Research Sustaining Indigenous and ‘Other’ Community Engaged Ways of Knowing (RL-9)
Tuesday, September 15
Lorri Many Rivers Johnson Santamaría, Mixteco Indígena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) (course director)
Cristina Corrine Santamaría Graff, Indiana University—Purdue University at Indianapolis
For those interested or engaged in research produced by or serving Indigenous peoples or people of Color in the United States directly or indirectly impacted by colonization, this course provides a way forward toward authentic collaboration with stakeholders and interested parties.