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Division 15, Educational Psychology, of the American Psychological Association, seeks applicants for Editor or Co-Editors of a new Division 15 journal, tentatively titled, Educational Psychology: Policy and Practice (EP:P&P). The new editor(s) will serve as the Inaugural Editor(s) and as such will refine the mission of this new journal and oversee the launch of this exciting new endeavor for the Division. The five-year term will begin in 2021. The first issue of EP: P&P is tentatively slated for publication January 2022. Applications and nominations are due by January 1, 2021.

Mission: The mission of EP:P&P is to advance the impact of educational psychology in the public sphere as well as to inform educational policy and/or practice. EP:P&P will serve as a peer-reviewed outlet for scholarship that applies the science of educational psychology to phenomena and issues of direct relevance to educational policy and/or practice. EP:P&P publications are of interest both to educational psychologists interested in applied research and to stakeholders interested in educational policy and practice, including policymakers, administrators, educational practitioners in K-12 and higher education, and the public.

Qualifications: Key qualities sought for the position of editor(s) include a record of scholarship conducting original research as well as a record of translating research for policy makers or practitioners. Editorial experience, organizational skills to oversee the editorial process and meet deadlines; ability to work effectively with the Editorial Board, reviewers, authors, and others involved in the publication process are required. As the inaugural editor(s) will play a significant role in shaping the new journal, the ability to articulate a compelling vision for a new journal is essential. Specific ideas for the inaugural issue are welcomed. Editors are also expected to have sufficient time and resources to devote to editorial duties. Membership in Division 15 is required.

Responsibilities: Major responsibilities of the inaugural editor(s) of EP:P&P include refinement of the journal’s mission, recruitment of sufficient high quality manuscripts for a high impact launch of the new journal, recruiting a diverse well qualified Editorial Board, managing the manuscript review process, working effectively with authors, ongoing solicitation of high-quality manuscripts and proposals for special issues from authors and guest editors, and building EP: P&P’s reputation to become a high impact journal in the field.

Application process: Applications should include a curriculum vitae, and a 3-4 page statement expressing interest, summarizing qualifications, presenting a vision for the journal, and indicating feasibility for service with respect to institutional support for devoting time and resources to editorial duties. Co-Editors should have a record of working effectively together. Please email applications to Dr. P. Karen Murphy, [email protected], Chair of the Division 15 Publications Committee by January 1, 2021. Applicants will be reviewed by the Division 15 Publications Committee immediately after the deadline submission date.