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Edited by:
Cary Roseth, Michigan State University
Penny Thompson, Oklahoma State University

A volume in the Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching Series
Mike Yough, Oklahoma State University
Jane S. Vogler, Oklahoma State University
Eric M. Anderman, The Ohio State University

We are seeking chapter proposals for Teaching in Online, Distance, and Non-Traditional Contexts, a volume in the series Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching. The series is intended for instructors who teach educational psychology content in teacher preparation programs.

Educational psychology courses can be taught in a variety of formats beyond the face-to-face classroom, including fully online (asynchronous or synchronous), hybrid, or flipped environments. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the prevalence of additional multimodal options, such as environments where students in the face-to-face classroom meet simultaneously with remote students connecting through video conferencing. These formats pose both challenges and new opportunities for creating rich and engaging learning environments. For this volume, we seek chapters that will help teacher educators in these varied delivery formats create engaging courses that are theoretically grounded while taking advantage of the affordances of available technologies. Chapters may focus on helping teacher educators teach effectively in their own online or hybrid contexts or on preparing future teachers to teach in these environments.


  • Part I: Design of Online Learning Environments
  • Part II: Implementation of Online Learning
  • Part III: Assessment, Evaluation, & Iterative Improvement of Online Learning

Find more details—including submission guidelines, publication schedule, etc.—in the official call, here.