The “Slice-Up” project explores ratings based on first impressions of untrained observers as a potential approach of assessing the quality of classroom interactions. Nowadays, so-called thin slices ratings are applied in many areas of basic and more applied psychological research. At the moment, the “Slice-Up” project plans to integrate results from thin slices studies across research fields within a meta-analysis to update the findings from a meta-analysis that was conducted nearly 30 years ago (Ambady and Rosenthal, 1992). Because it seems to be the case that many researchers have applied the thin slices technique “occasionally” in their research fields, it can be assumed that there are a lot of unpublished studies and that there might be a publication bias towards significant results.
Therefore, this is a kind request for unpublished thin slices data. Please contact Lukas Begrich (PhD) via [email protected]
If you know of any colleague who might be in possession of unpublished thin slices data, please help to make contact.
You can find more details about the Slice Up project here: