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FREE Division 15 Webinar

Controversies in the Contemporary Studies of Motivation in Education.”
Featuring Mimi Bong, PhD
Friday, October 29, 2021, 10:00am Eastern Time

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Event Description & Featured Speaker

In this webinar, some controversies and unresolved issues in the contemporary studies of motivation will be discussed. Conflicting viewpoints will be introduced along with the potential source of tension. The main focus will be on the issues related to understanding students’ motivation to learn and perform. This interactive presentation will allow for audience participation, where attendees will be able to weigh in on the different controversies using audience polls.  

Dr. Mimi Bong is a Professor of Educational Psychology at Korea University, where she also serves as the Director of the Brain and Motivation Research Institute. Her research, which focuses on academic motivation, has been featured in many of the top journals in the field, including Journal of Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology Review, Contemporary Educational Psychology, and Division 15’s Educational Psychologist.  This body of work includes studies of many of the prominent constructs in the field, such as students’ self-efficacy, self-concept, attributions, values, implicit theories, and achievement goals. In 2008, she received the Division’s Richard E. Snow Award for Early Contributions in Educational Psychology.  She will be the Editor in Chief for the Journal of Experimental Education starting in January 2022.