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Building Student Resilience: A Student/Teacher COVID Recovery Resource

As COVID-19 vaccines became widely available over the spring and summer, many students, parents, and teachers became hopeful for a return to school in person and with some semblance of normalcy. But as COVID-19 variants continue to spread and cases continue to soar even among the vaccinated, schools are struggling with ever-changing policies.

Supported by funding from the Centers for Disease Control, APA has developed a series of resources that help teachers navigate the many challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has presented.  The first released resource is a set of two modules, one for high school teachers and students, and one for teachers and students in grades 4-8, on resilience related to the pandemic.  The high school module includes a set of 4 lessons on resilience related to the pandemic for teachers and students. The new module has worksheets, a new video, and four lessons based in science that cover reflections of the last year, stress and the body, student actions, and student thoughts. Psychology teachers are welcome to use these in class but these are also for advisory period teachers, health teachers, and others at your school! Please share these with your school colleagues as you can. There is a separate module for teachers and students in grades 4-8. APA thanks TOPSS members Allison Shaver and Wayne Ha for their contributions to this work.

This new series of teacher learning modules and in-class activities features insights from psychological science. They are specifically designed to help teachers address common stressors that students may face related to the pandemic and to offer some resilience-building tips that may help students to more effectively navigate challenges. These new resources reflect APA’s commitment to using psychological science to solve society’s most significant challenges and improve people’s lives. Empowered with an understanding of psychological science and its applications in the classroom, teachers can help promote resilience during the ongoing pandemic. More resources related to the pandemic and K-12 education will be released in the coming weeks.

This resource is supported by cooperative agreement NU87PS004366 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views or endorsement of the CDC or the Department of Health and Human Services.