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Division 15 has been asked to appoint individuals for the following positions:

    • Education Seat, APA’s Committee on Socioeconomic Status (CSES) – Nominations Due Due February 4, 2022
    • Division Representative, APA Coalition for Psychology in the Schools and Education (CPSE) – Nominations Due February 4, 2022

To nominate, please send a CV and brief description of interest to Nominations Chair, Michelle Buehl ([email protected]).

Descriptions for each committee are as follows:

Education Seat, APA’s Committee on Socioeconomic Status (CSES)

APA’s Committee on Socioeconomic Status (CSES) requests qualified candidates to serve three-year terms commencing January 1, 2023. For the 2023 – 2025 term, to further its mission and effectively address priorities, CSES is seeking a representative from the education constituency and/or demonstrating interest in and commitment to advancing scholarly understanding of socioeconomic status.CSES’s mission aligns with APA’s purpose “to advance psychology as a science and a profession and as a means of promoting health, education and human welfare” by ensuring that issues of socioeconomic status (SES) receive the full attention of the association. The committee identifies and acts as a catalyst in the association’s efforts to address issues of SES and promote appropriate attention to SES in psychological research and practice.

Division Representative, APA Coalition for Psychology in the Schools and Education

The mission of the coalition is to bring together interested psychologists to promote and make publicly accessible applications of the research that psychology has developed to assist the nation in improving the quality of public and private pre-K to 12 education. The coalition further hopes to influence APA’s involvement in policymaking and legislation associated with the nation’s educational agenda. In addition, the mission of this coalition is to encourage cooperation among those APA entities and affiliates whose focus is on children and youth, and the teaching and learning processes. The coalition aims to improve the quality of the psychology offered in teacher preparation and professional development; collaborate with other professions that address the needs of children in schools; and make education and schooling more central to APA’s agenda.