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Edited by Denisse R. Thompson, University of South Florida, emerita; Mary Ann Huntley, Cornell University; and Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa, emerita 

A Volume in Research in Mathematics Education
Series Editors: Denisse R. Thompson, University of South Florida, emerita; Mary Ann Huntley, Cornell University; and Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa, emerita  

The editorial team of this volume invites proposals for chapters from curriculum researchers for a volume that presents lessons learned from research on mathematics curriculum. The volume will be part of the series, Research in Mathematics Education.

As evidenced by sessions on mathematics curriculum research at international conferences and meetings, researchers around the globe have increasingly been engaged in various aspects of mathematics curriculum research. This includes all levels of curriculum, as noted in the TIMSS framework (Valverde et al., 2002) and expanded on by Remillard and Heck (2014):

  • The official curriculum consists of national, state, or local standards and goals for what students should learn and on what they should be assessed.
  • The intended curriculum often consists of the curriculum identified in textbooks in many countries of the world.
  • The teacher intended curriculum consists of those lessons and intentions of the teacher related to how they intend to implement the curriculum within their instructional environment.
  • The implemented or enacted curriculum consists of what aspects of the curriculum actually occur in classrooms.
  • The assessed curriculum consists of the elements of the curriculum that appear on local (i.e., classroom) or state or national assessments.
  • The learned curriculum consists of what students actually master.

Researchers engaging in one or more of these aspects of curriculum research have typically had to develop their own methodologies, instruments, and analysis techniques. They have often faced difficulties or challenges when conducting their research and have had to find ways to address them. This volume is intended to be a compilation of the lessons learned from engaging in curriculum research that might be useful to current curriculum researchers as well as the next generation of curriculum researchers. Rather than reinventing the wheel, they can use lessons learned from experienced mathematics curriculum researchers. The purpose of the volume is not to present research per se, but rather to illustrate lessons learned or to discuss how challenges were overcome when conducting mathematics curriculum research.


  • June 1, 2022 Outline of proposed chapter (500 words) from prospective authors to editors
  • July 1, 2022 Feedback and decision to prospective authors from editors
  • October 1, 2022 First draft of chapter due from authors to editors
  • February 15, 2023 Feedback and decision to authors on chapter
  • April 15, 2023 Revised chapter due from authors to editors
  • June 15, 2023 Final feedback to authors confirming minor edits
  • Fall 2023 Publication

Abstracts (indicating curriculum focus, from above list) should be submitted to Christine Suurtamm ([email protected]) by June 1, 2022. Chapters will undergo peer review, with no guarantee of acceptance.


Remillard, J. T., & Heck, D. J. (2014). Conceptualizing the curriculum enactment process in mathematics education. ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46, 705-718.

Valverde, G. A., Bianchi, L. J., Wolfe, R. G., Schmidt, W. H., & Houang, R. T. (2002). According to the book: Using TIMSS to investigate the translation of policy into practice through the world of textbooks. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer.

Send all inquiries to Christine Suurtamm, [email protected]