My name is Jeanette Zambrano, and I am a graduate student working with Dr. Erika Patall at the University of Southern California. We are conducting a meta-analysis on the relationship between science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) identity and persistence/achievement outcomes.
We would like to include as many studies as possible and are requesting unpublished, published, raw data, or in-press manuscripts of studies which meet the following criteria: (1) STEM identity is measured before or at the same time as persistence or achievement; (2) persistence outcomes include but are not limited to STEM major retention, STEM career interest, intentions to take courses in STEM, or intentions to persist in STEM; (3) achievement includes only “objective” measures, such as math course grades and science exam scores, NOT perceptions of mastery or competence. I’m particularly interested in unpublished reports, as a thorough database search has already been conducted.
If you have any data which fits these criteria or could direct us to others who may have relevant data, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you!