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APA’s Board of Convention Affairs is launching new “IMPACT” Programming for the 2023 convention. Each IMPACT programming track will focus on a single topic, and APA encourages submissions from individuals working on that topic from across the field of psychology. The goal of IMPACT programming is to provide a platform for showcasing the breadth and scope of work being conducted on the same topic by members of APA. IMPACT Proposals (which are separate from Division Proposals) are due Monday, November 21, 2022.
2023 IMPACT Programming Tracks:

Aggression and Violence

Example topics may include (but are not limited to): How have recent events influenced the study of violence and aggression in psychology? What effects does exposure to violence/aggression in the news and social media have on people’s psychology/mental health? How can psychology (as a field) help address the rising violence and aggression, in general, and towards/by certain groups, in particular? 

Looking forward: The Intersection of Psychology and Technology

Examples may include (but are not limited to): How is technology being applied in novel ways to expand and impact the practice and/or science of psychology? How is technology impacting the future of psychology? What do we need to think about and/or learn as we continue to deploy technological advancements in our field?

Learn more and submit a proposal here: