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We are excited to invite members of APA Division 15 to volunteer to serve as a Program Co-Chair for the 2024 Annual APA Convention, to be held in Seattle, WA on August 8-10, 2024. 

While the quality of the conference rests on the paper selection, the process by which those papers are selected—and the coordination of the presentation of these papers—depends heavily on our Program Co-Chairs.

Being a Program Co-Chair involves completing specific tasks, including managing the submission and review process of proposals and coordinating the overall technical program of the conference for Division 15. However, at the core, to be an effective Program Co-Chair necessitates a desire to serve the Division, to see the Division showcase its best work, and to create an intellectually safe space where Division 15 members can learn and grow. If this sounds like you, please apply! If this sounds like a friend or colleague, encourage them to apply. Better yet, apply together as a pair of co-chairs!

To help applicants better understand the responsibilities and time commitments of the Program Co-Chair role, we asked a few past Co-Chairs to share their experiences. Learn more via this short video of their responses:

If you have questions about the position, please contact Dionne Cross Francis at [email protected].

Please apply by January 31, 2023 by sending the following to Wade George:

  • Name and contact information
  • List of experiences that would support your work as Div 15 Program Co-Chair